Dr. Mary Neal is an incredible woman of God. Her days are spent tirelessly pursuing God’s Word and helping save souls. She never ceases to amaze the people around her because she pours every bit of her soul into others. I thank God for this spiritual leader because every day, she strives to improve it, and she makes a difference in the world. She will tell the world it is not about her but her Heavenly Father’s business; not her will, but His will be done as Yahushua-Yeshua [Jesus] said in John 5:30 [KJV] I can of Mine Own Self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: My judgment is just; because I seek not Mine Own Will, but the will of the Father which hath SENT Me. Not His will but the will of the One Who sent Him! What A humble deliver, the True Son of the everlasting God and Father of Yeshua [Jesus]! Sheila Moore Regional Operations Director